To better serve the community, CCTC continuously strives to improve and provide new educational opportunities. See what new programs and changes are coming below!


Medical Billing and Reimbursement Certificate (MBRC) – 24 Semester Hours

Medical Record Coding

注册专业计费员(CPB)证书识别具有医疗计费知识和技能以及付款人要求的细微差别的医疗信息专业人员, supporting optimal reimbursement for healthcare providers. 中央卡罗来纳技术学院(CCTC)的医疗账单和报销证书将教授有关健康保险行业和正确索赔提交报销方法的最新知识和技能.

The program is designed to be completed in two (2) semesters [24 credit hours]. 成功完成该课程将为学生参加由美国专业编码学会(AAPC)管理的注册专业计费(CPB)考试做好准备。. MBRC课程将100%在线呈现,并提供各种方法和与项目经理和讲师直接联系的机会. In order to be accepted into the MBRC program, students must have successfully completed the Medical Record Coding program.

现在需要训练有素的计费专业人员,以确保及时收到符合联邦和州法规的服务的最佳报销. 这是学生获得在医生办公室的医疗账单部门工作的技能和知识的绝佳机会, 诊所, acute or long-term care facility, 或者作为保险公司(第三方付款人)的索赔审查员,以满足行业需求.

For more information, contact:


Academic 程序 Manager, Medical Record Coding

(803) 778-6677,分机. 277


Major in Practical Nursing (PN) Diploma in Applied Science – 48 Semester Hours

实用护理课程培养毕业生成为有能力的实用护士,他们关心和敏感的多样性,并使用批判性思维和技术在结构化的环境中为患者和他们的家人/重要的其他人提供护理. Throughout the program, 该学生已计划临床经验,以补充课堂学习,并提高护理原则和相关技术的应用技能. The scheduling of 诊所al experiences varies throughout the practical nursing program.

实用护理计划准备毕业生申请参加全国委员会执业护士执照考试(NCLEX-PN),并由南卡罗来纳州劳工部批准, 许可, and Regulation (LLR) Board of Nursing, 110 Centerview Drive, 哥伦比亚, SC 29210, (803)896-4300,



实用护理文凭是一个三个学期的课程,每年秋季接受学生. 该课程是48个学分,成功完成后将获得实用护理应用科学文凭.

For more information, contact:


Department Chair, Nursing

(803) 778-7806,分机. 406


教师教育专业(TEDU)应用科学副学士学位- 69学时

Audience raising hands up while businessman is speaking in training at the office.

教师教育应用科学副学士学位课程旨在为个人转入以下领域之一的四年制教师资格教育机构做好准备, 小学教育, Middle Level Education, 中等教育, 特殊教育, or Physical Education.

Courses in the program are available in a variety of formats.

转入教师教育专业课程的学生必须在所有学位课程中获得“C”或更高的成绩, pass or exempt PRAXIS I, and be able to pass a Criminal Background Check.

For more information, contact:


Department Chair, Early Care and Education

(803) 778-7818,分机. 418


程序 变化

护理专业应用科学副学士(过渡护理选择)- 65学时

Associate Degree Nursing (ADN)


The program is offered each fall and the application deadline is May 31st. 在申请之前,你需要完成所有的先决条件并参加入学考试. The entry test options have changed. 2024 is the last year NACE scores will be accepted. If you choose to take the NACE, which is a test on Nursing Fundamentals knowledge, you need to score a minimum of 75. 另一种选择是参加TEAS考试,这将是2025年唯一的入学考试. 你需要在tea考试中获得至少65%的综合分数才能申请这个项目.




In addition to the nursing courses listed on the website, 过渡护理学生也将被要求在他们的第一学期采取NUR 210. 本课程价值5个学分,除理论外,还包括内科-外科临床部分. 而日程安排是精心计划,以尽量减少所需的天数在课堂或临床, 学生可以期望每周至少有3天,有时可能是4天的学校活动.

For more information, contact:


Department Chair, Nursing

(803) 778-7806,分机. 406


Orientation to Manufacturing

Orientation to Manufacturing program photo

Have you wanted to be part of something bigger? Looking for a new career?

Central Carolina Technical College has partnered with Becton Dickinson, 毛毛虫, 大陆航空公司, and the Eaton Corporation to create a manufacturing orientation course. 这个为期一周的密集课程包括课堂和实践培训,为学生在制造业的职业生涯做好准备. The course will help you to write resumes, answer questions during a job interview. 每位学生将刷新基本的数学知识,并学习一些用于制造业的基本工具,包括扭矩和精密测量. Each student will learn to interpret and follow work instructions. Understand industrial safety and work place ergonomics. 该课程将在为期一天的模拟工作环境中结束,并授予六西格玛黄带. 每班限11名学生,先到先得. Scholarship opportunities are available for this course.

Notice: Completion of the course does not guarantee employment.

For more information, call 803-778-6656 or email

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