next level jobs for employers

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Employer Training Grant

Employer Training Grant

Employers can also take advantage of the Employer Training Grant program from the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. Employers in any high demand business sectors can be reimbursed up to $5,000 for each employee that is trained, hired and/or retained for 6 months. There is a $50,000 cap for each employer and the jobs must be middle skill, high-demand and high-wage jobs that require more than a high school diploma but less than an associate degree.

Next Level Jobs for Employers

Employer Eligibility

The Employer Training Grant is available to employers in six priority sectors aligned with Indiana’s economy: Advanced Manufacturing, Building & Construction, Health Sciences, Information Technology & Business Services, Transportation & Logistics, and Agriculture. Within those sectors, the grant pays for training associated with the most in-demand “middle skills” occupations – those defined as requiring more than a high school diploma but less than an associate’s degree. Click here for a list of eligible occupations.

Interested employers can get started via the application below:

Employer Training Grant Application

Contract Information

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